One Week Anniversary
As of today (or yesterday now :-P) I've been working at Wal-mart for one week. I've done probably about everything, now, and seen just about everything put on layaway (except groceries). I'm not sure what my standing is now, but I was already getting high praise on Monday (can't let it get to my head). Also, yesterday, the other layaway boy had his first day and I showed him the ropes. He'll be mainly working when I'm not. Just some interesting stats that I'll be updating regularly. To date I've boxed/binned the following:
4 GameCubes
1 GameBoy Advance SP
2 Xboxs
2 PlayStation 2s
1 Laptop
Quite fun, eh? Also, at the request of SeniorUSB, here is a picture of me in my "little vest":

One day after work I went to the electronics dept. to take a look at their laptops because apparently I'll get an extra 10% cupon for Christmas bonus. I didn't really expect to find anything aside from budget systems, but I found this. With the exception of hard drive space it is more powerful than my desktop (which will become a file/web server). A feature I thought was kind of interesting was the fact that it can play DVD/CDs without even booting into Windows (save on battery life I'm sure). But it will be nice to have a portable computing solution, not to mention just downright cool :-).
In programming land, I'm currently working on trying to write an NES emulator. This is pretty much just for the learning experience to help understand the behind the scene ops of computers/game consoles. I hope that by learning that stuff I'll have a better understanding of current systems (GBA, GCN, etc.) and thus develop for them with little or no learning curve. I've found a bunch of handy info at which is helping quite a bit and I more or less understand how the whole internal system works, but figuring how you load things in from ROM sill escapes me. Hopefully this time next week I'll have my mock 6502 running a few opcodes. I'm mainly trying to get the thing to the point that I can run the original Mario Bros. which is fairly basic but it'll be a mighty cool feeling, I'll tell you now :-).
4 GameCubes
1 GameBoy Advance SP
2 Xboxs
2 PlayStation 2s
1 Laptop
Quite fun, eh? Also, at the request of SeniorUSB, here is a picture of me in my "little vest":

One day after work I went to the electronics dept. to take a look at their laptops because apparently I'll get an extra 10% cupon for Christmas bonus. I didn't really expect to find anything aside from budget systems, but I found this. With the exception of hard drive space it is more powerful than my desktop (which will become a file/web server). A feature I thought was kind of interesting was the fact that it can play DVD/CDs without even booting into Windows (save on battery life I'm sure). But it will be nice to have a portable computing solution, not to mention just downright cool :-).
In programming land, I'm currently working on trying to write an NES emulator. This is pretty much just for the learning experience to help understand the behind the scene ops of computers/game consoles. I hope that by learning that stuff I'll have a better understanding of current systems (GBA, GCN, etc.) and thus develop for them with little or no learning curve. I've found a bunch of handy info at which is helping quite a bit and I more or less understand how the whole internal system works, but figuring how you load things in from ROM sill escapes me. Hopefully this time next week I'll have my mock 6502 running a few opcodes. I'm mainly trying to get the thing to the point that I can run the original Mario Bros. which is fairly basic but it'll be a mighty cool feeling, I'll tell you now :-).
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