*sigh* My "weekend" is now over and all I have to look forward to is asking people if the "found everything alright". Oh, well. Could be worse. At least I'm getting paid ;-). Speaking of which, payday is Thursday again :-D.
I haven't started on my "project", but I did pick up the threads of my GBA Tetris Attack game. I've gotten a bit done through to basic clearing. I'm probably going to work some more on it tomorrow afternoon. Maybe I'll even put up a beta version for you people to test. 'Tis quite cool.
Tonight was the best night of bowling I've ever had (bad news for you people who are pledging per pin). My scores were 180, 166, and 172 for a grand total of 518. Now I'm going to keep an average from now until Bowl 4 Kids going to kind of give those pledgers an idea of how much they're going to be donating. Let's see... carry the 7... square root of 10... 173!
I spent the better part of this evening converting an old useless computer into a file/game/wb server. That was pretty fun (of course the gaming part is the best). And now that is what I'm going to do, game with my homies :-). Later!
I haven't started on my "project", but I did pick up the threads of my GBA Tetris Attack game. I've gotten a bit done through to basic clearing. I'm probably going to work some more on it tomorrow afternoon. Maybe I'll even put up a beta version for you people to test. 'Tis quite cool.
Tonight was the best night of bowling I've ever had (bad news for you people who are pledging per pin). My scores were 180, 166, and 172 for a grand total of 518. Now I'm going to keep an average from now until Bowl 4 Kids going to kind of give those pledgers an idea of how much they're going to be donating. Let's see... carry the 7... square root of 10... 173!
I spent the better part of this evening converting an old useless computer into a file/game/wb server. That was pretty fun (of course the gaming part is the best). And now that is what I'm going to do, game with my homies :-). Later!
You wouldn't let ME get a blog on Blogger and here you are on here with your own blog - what's the deal boy??
Anonymous, at 6:20 PM
A blogger blog now, eh? Interesting.
I've bowled before... but only... once? heh. It's fun. I'd like to do it more too, but oh well. =P
Anyway, have fun with that, and get lots of money! Take care.
Anonymous, at 6:20 PM
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